Now by THIS we may be sure the we know him, if we obey his commandments. 1John 1.3 

We had a great evening in Sheringham last night! We met at the Lighthouse church building and Leonard opened  the meeting with enthusiasm and his usual bounciness. God had given me a word from 1 John, which followed on pretty well from the Summer School we’d recently had at FEH going through John’s Gospel. There was a great flow (in both!) and once again we enjoyed the breaking in of God, in a way that changed us. I think the recording will be on the site soon. In essence we were learning how the apparent paradox of God’s truth and grace actually converge in our walk of obedience – just as it did in Jesus’ own life.

I love the way God is working out all the theory of the Prophetic Bible teaching course through our walking in faith and obedience in Cornerstone Church. The teaching anointing continually injects something of substance and of LiFE into us all, and as the one who brings more words than most I most of all know how much it is God who is at work, and how much we as his body need HIS WORD as opposed to mans word. It sustains, grows, convicts, develops, encourages etc etc.