OK, we are a bit different. Our activities don’t revolve around a regular Sunday morning service for a start. We are shifting our thinking about being church, encouraging and supporting each persons place in the world all week long.
The world we live in is changing and the church needs to respond, seeking first the kingdom – and allowing Jesus to build his church. His glory won’t be contained in buildings or programmes, but will be manifest everywhere, filling the universe.

Cornerstone Church is not a building where we congregate, or a particular time of each week when we meet, but the life of Christ in us, ordinary folk who take that life wherever we GO. It is expressed in and through us all week long, at home, in the workplace, at school, the sports club and Tesco…and when we get together!

We meet together to encounter God. We do this (even during lockdown) in dynamic worship, breakthrough prayer and a deep personal engagement with God’s word. We stand with one another to see each one become all that God has called them to be, everyone walking as a disciple of Jesus in faith and obedience.

We GO into all the world. Many teams have been sent, to East Africa, India, Europe and beyond. We may be small in number right now but we have big vision and a big reach.
Upcoming Events
Here are our upcoming meetings and events, for events further ahead please go to calendar.
Send us your email to get the Zoom details for a meeting
16 February |
Prayer |
View Details |
23 February |
Prayer |
View Details |
25 February |
Church Meeting |
View Details |
Members of Cornerstone reach out to the local area, the region and the nation. Teams are also sent to other nations, in particular, in recent years , East Africa and North West India.
To change the way we think about church in order to be effective in tomorrow’s world.
To find out more about us, or to get involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch.